History of Ithaka
Harry Hatziparaskevas stoked the savory fires of Ithaka during a successful seven-year stint on Barrow Street. After deciding that it was time for a change, he learned that the location of Estia, a venerable Greek restaurant/nightclub on East 86th Street, was available.
His new Ithaka
is a deep and roomy
restaurant with
clean lines, exposed
brick walls-painted
white as you
progress into the
interior-and a stone
floor whose white
grout provides bold
contrast on the
surface. Recessed
ceiling lighting at
the rear of the room
is filtered through
white fabric.
The pleasures of Ithaka's table are so delightful that you will sit there for a while. It isn't that the menu is full of surprises, but rather that every dish has remarkably consistent quality. Chef
Hatziparaskevas always coaxes maximum flavor from each facet of a dish.
(excerpt from Bob Lape's review in Crain's New York; January 12, 2004)